Bandi Tricho Esthetic Tricho- Lotion is a biostimulating lotion for the scalp. The cosmetic contains active substances that cause local dilation of blood vessels and hyperaemia of the skin, and as a result, strengthening the nutrition and oxygenation of hair bulbs, as well as stimulating regeneration and hair growth.
The active ingredients of the cosmetic include:
- peppermint extract, containing e.g. menthol, tannins, flavonoids and mineral salts,
- field mint essential oil with a hair growth stimulating effect and containing cooling and refreshing menthol,
- formic acid, which has vasodilating properties and causes local congestion of the skin, and prevents hair loss,
- methyl nicotinate, causing the effect of local warming of the skin, stimulating microcirculation and accelerating cellular metabolism,
- nettle extract, which contains phenolic acids, vitamins and proteins that soothe irritations and have antioxidant properties,
- provitamin D3, protecting the skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation and improving skin hydration,
- field horsetail extract, containing minerals, potassium salts, organic acids and flavonoids,
- troxerutin, i.e. a derivative of rutin with a strong anti-free radical effect and reducing the visibility of dilated blood vessels,
- thyme extract, which protects hair color and contains phenolic compounds (thymol, carvacrol) with antibacterial and sebum-reducing properties.